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Difference between American, German, and UK Boxers.



The following is not our opinion but, that of two well respected Boxer breeders and judges.


We have searched and read many things regarding correct structure in the Boxer. Many times we are ask what is the difference in American, German, British Boxers. After searching for the correct answer and an unbiased one, we think we have found the answer that everyone can hopefully understand.


Monique Hodgkinson from Tanyati Boxers is a breeder and a judge of the Boxer breed and has a break down on the difference of the breed from different countries. Both good and bad qualities are talked about. Please click on the link below to read what she has to say. It is very informative.


I would like to thank Monique Hodgkinson and Adriana Aulik for all the information. Here is a brief summery. For more click on the above link.


Starting with the German Boxer, you have a much heavier, more substantial Boxer, generally with a rather short nose bridge, plenty of chin, very high forehead, pigmented third eyelids, prominent forechest, well angulated forequarter, a topline that slopes excessively, and very often weak hindquarters accompanied by narrow, hyper-extended hock joints and cow hocks. Loose skin under the neck is often a factor and coats or ‘jackets’ are often not tight-fitting. 


The American Boxer is way more elegant, often lacking in substance, with a longer nose bridge, less prominent (and often lacking) chin, muzzle lacking in width and depth, often unpigmented third eyelids, a very elegant, clean neck, very often lacking in forequarter angulation and missing the prominent forechest, rather tall on the leg, a gently sloping topline with no breaks or dips, somewhat lacking in rear angulation, with generally strong hock joints and no cow hocks. The jacket is tight fitting and smooth with short hair. 


The English Boxer has more elegance than the German Boxer and more substance than the American Boxer. Nose bridge is generally correct according to the standard, muzzles showing correct chin – not too prominent nor lacking. Skulls are very often too wet, with excessive wrinkle and thick skin. Upper arms are often too short, with fore chest lacking, although I have noticed a vast improvement in shoulders in recent years. Top-lines slope gently but, sometimes tend to be swaybacked. Rears are often over-angulated (long in lower thigh) but hock joints are

strong and no cow hocks. Jacket varies, but generally not as American tight fitting and short as the or as thick as the German. The English Boxer is far less ‘extreme’ than the American or German Boxer.


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