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The following is a list of human medications commonly found in the household. These same products can be used with pets and are especially useful if you can't reach a veterinarian immediately. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you always seek Veterinary advice prior to giving any medications!


Your vet may recommend an over-the-counter drug like diphenhydramine (Benadryl). The typical dose is one to three milligrams for every pound of pet, but you should ask your vet for precise dosages.

Listed below are some dosages and common usages.

WARNING! Those of you who use Kaopectate to control diarrhea, especially in cats, need to be aware of the recent formula change. Due to concerns regarding lead levels in the old formulation the manufacturer of  Kaopectate have changed the active ingredient to bismuth subsalicylate. Salicylates (e.g. aspirin, pepto bismol and now kaopectate) should only be administered to cats under veterinary supervision. Some dogs are also sensitive to salicylates.

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Things your home should never be without. This could save the life of your animals.

  • A working rectal thermometer. It doesn't matter if it’s a digital or old fashioned, you should have one on hand to take the temperature of your dog.

  • Tums for upset tummies and added Calcium

  • Anti-gas medication. Either Mylanta liquid or Gas-X chewable tablets. I prefer the liquid because it's faster acting, but the Gas-X chewable tablets

  • have more simethicone which is what breaks up the gas. The chewable tablets can be carried easier in a portable first aid kit. Check those expiration dates

  • A 12 or 20 CC syringe without needle. This is how you give the liquid anti-gas or any liquid medicine your dog may need. I would never be without one in an emergency.

  • Pepto-Bismol liquid or tablets. Sometimes the dog isn't gassy, but just feels icky. The Pepto can help calm the stomach, keeping the dog from vomiting later on.

  • Anti-diarrheal medicine. Either Keopectate or Immodium. Many dogs have problems with stress and show it with their stool. Left unchecked, the dog could become dehydrated. Usual dosage for Immodium is 1 mg. per 30#

  • Pedialyte. This will replace the electrolytes lost with vomiting or diarrhea. Another use for your syringe.

  • A jar of honey in the refrigerator. If your animal is ill, the honey will help the dog keep its sugar up. Low blood sugar is a problem when a dog stops eating due to illness. A teaspoon to tablespoon of honey will coat the dog's stomach and keep its glucose normal. There aren't too many dogs who will refuse this treat.

  • Jar of baby food. A jar of Turkey or Chicken and Veggies diluted slightly with water or pedialyte can help the dog continue to function. Again, the trusty syringe can administer this if the dog doesn't want to eat.

  • Peroxide. If you need to make a dog vomit and don't have Syrup of Ipecac, giving 1-3 teaspoons every 10 minutes will help the dog vomit. Repeat this 3 times.

  • Aspirin. It reduces fever, helps the dog deal with pain, etc. Dosage is 5 or 10mg/lb. of body weight twice a day. (Try the lower dosage first) Enteric coated aspirin is not recommended in dogs because about half the time the coating isn't digested and the aspirin is excreted whole in the stool. Use Ascriptin which is aspirin with Maalox. 


  • Benedryl. Absolute must have. It can save the life of an animal who has been stung by a bee. Usual dosage 1 mg. per pound.

  • Saline Solution.  Wonderful to use when the animal gets something in its eye.

  • The phone numbers of your vet, emergency clinic and poison control taped up near your phone at all times or programmed into your cell phone. You don't want to have to be fumbling around for a phone number when every minute counts.

  • The Dog Owners Home Veterinary Handbook. This book has lots of emergency information and everyday stuff you and your dog may need.


Herbal Remedies

This is to serve as a guide to greater vitality and longevity. For best results herbs should be given on a schedule of two weeks on and one week off. 

  • ALFALFA- High in nutrients, beneficial for over-acid conditions, for stomach and digestive ailments, as a blood purifier and help prevent osteoporosis, cancer, and heart disease.

  • BURDOCK- For conditions such as arthritis, skin disorders, powerful blood cleanser: helps to promote perspiration, supports the digestive system.

  • CHAMOMILE- Soothing and calming, effective for digestive weaknesses, colic and irritable bowel conditions.

  • DANDELION- Best known liver tonic herb available, beneficial as tonic due to its gentle diuretic action: poor digestive disturbances and poor appetite.

  • DEVILS CLAW- Anti-Inflammatory herbal remedy with analgesic properties for the skeletal system.  This helps for arthritis and rheumatism. This is known as an effective pain reliever.

  • EYEBRIGHT- Excellent herb for the eyes, remedy for eye bath and eye irritations; internally it helps to relieve mucous conditions.

  • GARLIC- Natural diuretic, thins mucus in lungs and bronchial tubes, kills germs, natural antibiotic and antifungal, promotes good digestion, helps to regulate liver and gallbladder.  Garlic suppresses yeast in the body.

  • HAWTHORN BERRY- Herbal heart and circulatory remedy.

  • MARSHMALLOW- Herbal remedy sooths the entire digestive tract, beneficial gastric complaints as ulcers, colitis, bloat and inflammation, helpful for the urinary tract.

  • MEADOWSWEET- One of the best digestive herbal remedies available. Inflammatory, pain-relieving compounds and can ease nausea.  Combines well with Marshmallow for digestive disorders.  Not to be used on cats.

  • NETTLE- Herbal remedy beneficial for the whole body, including skin disorders.

  • PEPPERMINT- Excellent digestive tonic that helps to stimulate poor appetite, eases nausea and vomiting or colic.

  • RASPBERRY LEAF- Traditional herb used as a reproductive tonic to strengthens and tone the uterus.  Helpful in the treatment of diarrhea due to its astringent properties.

  • RED CLOVER-Powerful remedy and blood purifier especially beneficial for skin disorders.  Its expectorant properties cure coughs and bronchitis. Has proven useful in removing tumors and cysts.

  • ROSEHIPS- One of the best natural sources of Vitamin C along with other minerals such as copper and cobalt.  It is an immune system booster and circulatory herbal remedy for all.

  • VALERIAN-One of the best nerviness available.  Gentle yet effective. Helps nervous dogs!

  • YARROW- Externally it heals wounds. Helps to lower blood pressure.

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How to Perform CPR on Dogs

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Foods to Avoid

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Some foods which are edible for humans, and even other species of animals, can pose hazards for dogs because of their different metabolism. Some may cause only mild digestive upsets, whereas, others can cause severe illness, and even death. The following common food items should not be fed (intentionally or unintentionally) to dogs. This list is, of course, incomplete because we can not possibly list everything your dog should not eat.


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